Compared to natural lawn, maintaining artificial lawn takes very little effort. In fact, you probably do not even have to exert any effort at all to keeping it looking great all the time! That being said, there are still some little things that you can do each day to ensure that your artificial lawn lasts as long as possible for many years to come. If you are looking for information on how to maintain artificial lawn the Natural Way, then this article was written with you in mind. With the information provided herein, you will learn the tips and tricks that every lawn owner should be aware of.
The first thing you should know is that weeds grow all over the place. Some are more obvious than others. For example, weeds can be found on the edges of your grass blades and in between them. If you see any strange growths or spots on your lawn where the grass used to be, then I recommend using a weed killer. You can buy weed killers at most lawn and garden stores.
Next, pay attention to how deep your grass grows and set up drainage holes in the proper location. A big problem with many lawns is lack of proper drainage. Most artificial grass manufacturers specify how wide a hole should be and where it should be located. If you do not follow their instructions, then you will find that all of your grass ends up buried in the mud. The result can be unsightly and embarrassing for you and your family. To improve drainage, I recommend using rock plugs or even a simple layer of mulch.
Another way to better understand how to maintain artificial turf is to know what happens to it during extreme temperatures. When the temperature goes up, water becomes much less valuable. So, if you are putting in a new artificial turf system, make sure to place the receiving unit below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s also wise to move the receiving unit from time to time so that the grass can become acclimated to the temperature. If you want to learn how to maintain artificial turf, this is critical information.
Finally, keep in mind that weeds grow through the cracks and edges of your lawn. In order to control these weeds, you need to cut off their roots. Many people choose to use pre-tiller equipment, but if you have a lawn of any size you probably have weed problems. As a best practice, try to section your lawn and use tools such as weed whackers or a rototiller to thin out the weed growth.
How to maintain artificial turf isn’t rocket science. It’s simply a matter of taking care of your new lawn grass. By doing so, you will be guaranteed a healthy and attractive lawn. Artificial grass will enhance the look and health of your landscape design, whether you decide to use it or natural grass.